Level O books

Best Third Grade Books!

To help third grade readers progress in reading AND develop a love of reading, it is crucial to provide them with really great books that match their current reading level and interests.  You can teach reading and spelling in isolation all day long, but if early readers aren't putting that new knowledge into practice by reading those words in real books, the knowledge remains superficial.  And third grade is such a FUN time to be a reader! Popular third grade books start having more complex plot lines, more interesting characters, and more clever twists and turns.  It's no coincidence then that this is when we start to see early chapter books really take off-- like The Magic Tree House, Junie B Jones, and Judy Moody.

Here are some popular books for third grade kids to read:

Please note that these are based on average reading level.  Kids progress in reading at different rates.  To find the best fit for your child, we recommend you either: (1) Try just a few books from the relevant list below and then assess if your child needs to move to easier books (in a previous list) or move to harder books (in a subsequent list). -OR- (2) Ask your child's teacher for their current "reading level."  Most schools either currently use one of these leveling system or have in the past so they are at least familiar enough with them to know the different levels for their own grade.  Then you can just use the "books by leveling system" in the top navigation of this website.

level N-books

start of third grade
Most third graders can read these fun and popular
children's books at the start of the year.


then these third grade books
As third graders progress in reading, they're ready
for books that are a little more complex (and fun!)

Guided Reading Level P / DRA Level 38

great mid-year books for third grade
About half way through the year, many third
graders will enjoy the books in this list.

guided reading level Q books

fun books to end third grade with
The popular books on this list are a
great way to end the third grade year!

Too easy? Too hard?  Here's help:

Are these recommended third grade books too hard for your reader?


Try some of the books recommended for second graders.  Kids all learn to read at their own pace. As long as there's progress...that's cause for celebration!

Has your child progressed past the third grade level reading books listed above?


Check out our lists of books for fourth and fifth graders.  Just be sure to check for comprehension often. Some kids are great a decoding words but...reading is understanding!

Got recommendations for third grade books to read?

We think the books one these lists are THE BEST books for third grade. Not only are they all third grade level reading books (ie: books they can actually read on their own!), but they also have solid storylines that will help with comprehension and help kids learn to love reading.  We hope you enjoy this list!

Have we missed one? If you know of any amazing books for third grade -- popular third grade books that MUST be on this list -- please let us know!  (Note: This website is devoted to book that kids can read THEMSELVES, not those read to them by others. So for this page, we are aiming to list only third grade level reading books.) We want this to be the best place for parents' and teachers' to go if they are looking for the best third grade books to read, so your help is so appreciated. Thank you!

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