
Best Sixth, Seventh, & Eighth Grade Books!

To help sixth, seventh, and eighth grade readers progress in reading AND develop a love of reading, it is crucial to provide them with really great books to that match their current reading level and interests.  You can teach reading and spelling in isolation all day long, but if early readers aren't putting that new knowledge into practice by reading those words in real books, the knowledge remains superficial. Get a kid to love reading at this level and you probably have a reader for life!  (Heck, the books written at this level can be addicting even for adults!)

Here are some popular books for sixth, seventh, and eighth grade kids to read:

The difficulty level increases as you move down the lists.  If you aren't sure where to start, perhaps start sixth graders with a book in list 1, seventh graders with a book on list 2 or 3, and eighth graders with a book in list 4.  Then you can adjust up for down from there.


LIST #1 (Gr. 6-8)
Wow are there a lot of great books on this list.  Click the link to see dozens of award winning books that will get middle grades kids absolutely addicted to reading.  There's evergreen classics like Tuck Everlasting and The Phantom Tollboth as well as fantastic newer books like Roller Girl. 

Level x books

LIST #2 (Gr. 6-8)
This list has so much to love! It includes adventure tales, silly fun series, books of beautifully written prose, and touching, thought provoking books that stick with readers for years to come.  We personally love a lot of books on this list, and kids this age will too!

The difficulty level increases as you move down the lists. 


LIST #3 (Gr. 6-8)
Another steller list guaranteed to transport the reader across time and space, and challenge their way of thinking about all manner of subjects. These award-winning unforgettable books are the kind of books that change a reader forever!

The difficulty level increases as you move down the lists.


LIST #4 (Gr. 6-8)
Our last list, and again it's full of many of our favorites.  Many serve as jumping off points for whole new genres or series.  This books will get them hooked as lifetime readers!

Are these recommended sixth, seventh, and eighth grade books too hard for your reader? Try some of the books recommended for fourth and fifth graders.  Kids all learn to read at their own pace. As long as there's progress...that's cause for celebration!

Got recommendations for sixth, seventh, and eighth grade books to read?

We think the books one these lists are THE BEST books for sixth, seventh, and eighth grade. Not only are they all books the average child this age can actually read on their own, but they also have solid storylines that will help with comprehension and help kids learn to love reading.  We hope you enjoy this list!  But...have we missed one? If you know of any amazing books for sixth, seventh, and eighth grade -- popular books that MUST be on this list -- please let us know!  Thank you!

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